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Financial Counseling

Financial Counseling

Life can be stressful and hectic at times, but your personal finances don’t have to be. Schedule a free appointment with a financial counselor here at Credit Union of Ohio! Our team is here to help our members solve financial problems to improve their financial outlook.

During your appointment we will review your credit report and provide insights into what can be done to make any improvements.

Our bottom line is to help YOUR bottom line. If you know your credit score needs some work, we'll work with you on a plan to increase your score. When it's time for that new car, home, or other borrowing needs, you’ll be poised to put your best financial foot forward.

Below are a few success stories from previous sessions.

Schedule Your Appointment

How can we help you with your finances? Schedule your appointment today and sleep a little easier knowing you’re taking the steps to improve your financial outlook!

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