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Member Referrals

Share the Love - Get Rewarded!

When you find a good community business, it's always beneficial to share the love! We invite you to help make Credit Union of Ohio even better by inviting your friends, co-workers, and family to join us.

Plus, we'll give you both cash as our way of sharing the love when the person you invite opens an account with Credit Union of Ohio.

Earn cash for both of you today and act soon because this promotion may end at any time!

For more information or to claim your cash reward,3 call 800.443.5698, or stop by your local branch.

P.S. There is no limit to the number of invitations you can receive credit for, so start earning rewards for you and your friends today!

Want to invite a friend, co-worker, or family member to explore the benefits of membership with Credit Union of Ohio?
Simply complete the form below and we'll send the invitation!

Who would you like to invite to join Credit Union of Ohio?

Please enter the name of the of the friend / co-worker / family member you'd like to invite to join Credit Union of Ohio.

Please enter the email address of the friend / co-worker / family member you'd like to invite to join Credit Union of Ohio.

Your information.

Please enter YOUR name.
What is your relation?

Family Member

In the event of someone sharing your name, the following information will be used to distinguish you as the person making the referral.
Example: Two members may be named John Smith, but only one lives at 123 Main St.

PLEASE NOTE: This information will be shared with the person you are inviting to join CUO. It will be left up to the person you are inviting to inform us about meeting any of the requirements for the cash rewards. It is up to your discretion what information will be shared. Additionally, please ensure the information you share matches what you have provided CUO; you can verify or update through Online Banking and the Mobile App.


Please enter the information matching your selection.
  captcha code for visual authentication  letter L number 9 letter U number 8

The Best Place to Bank. Become a Member.

Learn about our Savings and Money Market Accounts

See how other members save with CUO loans

More than 5,000 branches available nationwide

1- The invited party must be a new member and at least 18 years old in order to qualify for cash rewards.
2- Money will be deposited into each account with confirmation and verification of account opening. Referral Program subject to change at any time without prior notice.

3- Money will be deposited into each account with confirmation and verification of loan closing. Referral Program subject to change at any time without prior notice.
4- To claim cash rewards, the current member who sent the invitation or the new member who received the invitation must contact Credit Union of Ohio to verify the new account requirements have been met. For Checking Accounts, the new member must open the account within 30 days of membership opening. For Visa credit card or Auto loan / refinance, the new member must close on the loan within 60 days of membership opening. Referral Program is subject to change at any time without prior notice.
Please note: If $600 or more is accumulated for the year, it will be reported on IRS Form-MISC.